




自我介紹(Who am I)

Leno Euphroion / 伶儚歐弗里翁是我所選擇的名字用以代表我的藝術形象   為何選擇這個名字呢?「伶儚」~根據說文解字:「是弄臣的意思廣韵中則說是樂人至於則是虛幻的意思虛幻之樂或虛幻之言的意思我最近在做真實社會的紀錄與這個名字剛好成了有趣的矛盾



Good day Ladies and GentlemenI create art under the alias Leno Euphroion」,but as I speak to you now as Mauho Huang . My Art imagination is represented through Leno Euphroion. My name goes against what the painting represents . It represents a record of Taiwan affairs .


From analyzing ancient Chinese characters dating to the 2nd – Century Han DYNASTY . I was able to define the characters for Leno to translate tounreal talking. I referenced two ancient Chinese dictionaries the Guangyun and Shouwen Jiezi .


Euphroioncomes from the great German tragic Goethe’s Faust . In this bookEuphroionis the son of Faust . He exudes Neoclassicismbut always yearns for romance and the unrestrained path until his untimely death . Goethe creates the perfect prototype from the ashes of Neoclassicism .


創作歷程(Art creation works experience)


早期由於不熟捻新的媒材所以都是以簡單圖像堆積的方式來進行後來我無意中發現文森梵谷(Vincent William van Gogh)的方法也許可以進行一種嘗試我認為這種方法對於技巧上的掌握會比較容易接著我在一次偶然中在發現油量過多會流下來的現象有一種新的可能性並在同時剛好接觸到美國的抽象表現主義(Abstract Expressionism他們自由的作法與我的意外發現正好吻合之後我開始注意到我身為亞洲人我希望把亞洲的元素放入我的作品於是我製作了國風Guofeng流儀Ryugi」,這些作品都曾於兩年前在美國的總會中展出過隨即我試著以隨性的方式試著形塑鮮明特色而經驗是來自於流油Le Fluid Oil與之前的具象畫作之後由於台灣爆發一系列政治運動我開始注意到與現實接軌的可能性藉由時事作一系列人物特寫與事件紀錄我認為藝術不應與現實脫鉤而是要作為現實生活的體現


My style has evolved over the years . My earliest works were heavily influenced by Western Art specifically Van Gogh and the Expressionist movement . As I began to search for my own identity I explored the styles called Guofeng,「Ryugi and Le Fluid Oil. These style of artworks I displayed at 20th World Conference in 2012 in Kentucky .


Currently I have begun to juxtapose these past movements with a more contemporary approach with a reflection on the current political climate in Taiwan . I am recording these political movements and the people and actions involved within them . Art for me should reflect the struggles and hardships for young Taiwanese .





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